ATT Systems (S'pore) Pte Ltd
Integrated Security Management Systems

Integrated Security and Environmental Monitoring System

Server rooms and data centers are at the heart of many businesses and maintaining them is an essential operational cost.

However, the environment of the server room and data centre could threaten their operational availability. Temperature, humidity, water leaks, intrusion, vibration, human error, and power outages are potential risk factors. If the operational availability is down, there may be substantial financial impact due to lost opportunities and increased costs. Identifying and monitoring environmental threats is thus fundamental for sustaining high availability.

Actively monitor the environmental conditions of your data centre using our customisable ISEMS and negate threats and risks to the server availability for uninterrupted business operations. With the ISEMS, on-duty officers will be alerted to any irregularities in the data centre via SMS allowing for prompt responses.

Integrated Security and Environmental Monitoring System
ATT Systems (S'pore) Pte Ltd

The Benefits of Integrated Security and Environmental Monitoring System

Reduce avoidable operation costs
Reduce avoidable operation costs
Seamless uninterrupted business operations
Seamless uninterrupted business operations
Early detection and alert system enable swift response
Early detection and alert system enable swift response

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    35 Ubi Crescent, ATT Building, Singapore, 408585


    +65 6749 7840


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